Why She Codes

Kode with Klossy

Kode With Klossy Summer Camp is a free two-week summer program for girls 13 – 18 years old. All you need to do is apply!

Built by Girls

BuiltbyGirls is a great account to follow on Instagram and they have great programs to help girls get immersed in the world of coding. Wave is one of their programs that connects young women with expert professionals. It’s a 1:1 Advisor program matching young women with tech professionals.

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Girls Who Code

GirlswhoCode was made with one mission in mind: to close the gender gap. GirlswhoCode offers free after-school programs for 3rd-5th and 6th-12th grade girls.

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Code Academy

Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS. (Free)

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Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. (Free)